Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Still soccer season and snow? Wow! It's going to be a cold last game if it doesn't melt fast. Not that the boys will mind much, they just like to play. And snow means skiing and they LOVE skiing.

Monday, November 03, 2008

A few of my favorite bits of advice to mothers who have sons.

Eat lunch with him. Find out what's going on in his world.
Tell him often what it is you respect about him.
From you, he'll learn the importance of telling the truth. Be a good model.
Occasionally, let him stay up late and look at the stars. He'll never forget it.
Talk to him often about God's grace and he'll grow up seeing it.
Practice staying calm. This will serve you well in his teenage years.
Take him for walks. Tell him what he's seeing.
Don't forget: Praise is contagious. So is criticism.

(taken from my friends blog (I can always count on her for great advice) Thanks Roni!)

Are you serious?

I am not sure that when I was younger it bothered me, but now that I am a bit older, I want to enjoy all of the holidays in each season! I went to the grocery store Nov. 1st and the entire isle that had the Halloween items was stocked full of Christmas! We still have Thanksgiving!! Why is it that the retail industry would assume that we want Christmas candy now? What a crazy society we live in...