Friday, September 12, 2008

Soccer season starting!

I really do love to watch my son (and now my second son) play soccer. It is just such a great sport and keeps them active and having fun. This season, in order to get the best AYSO coach, I volunteered to be his assistant coach. I am really lucky that he really only wants and needs a team mom because I still don't know that I understand it all, but I am working on it :-) For now I am making the team banner and making calls to the parents.
In my attempt to make sure that Brendan was getting his summer play in I signed him up for a week training camp with a local Competetion Team. By the end of the week there was a spot for him on the team so he is now playing on both teams. He actually does really well with it. 3 practices and 2 games each week is a bunch!
Just what I am thinking about today.... off to finish the banner!

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